Saturday, June 16, 2012

New Begginings

SO i decided instead of always being miserable and hating life i would start thinking positive and enjoying it and so far so good. I have spent far too long worrying about what i don't have instead of what i do have. I got a job i am so excited i haven't worked in almost 8 years in July since i had my 1st child my son i got a job at the hospital merriman house as a LNA yay. The next month is so busy next week my step daughter is getting married and my daughter is the flower girl then it's my baby;s birthday shes gonna be 2 then there is a gathering for my uncle the week after it would have been his 47th birthday. then there is a couple birthdays in between then i am having a birthday party for my oldest and youngest together... That sums up my life right now definitely going in the right direction finally. Now if i could just get my weight loss started again i gained back 41 lbs:(

Monday, June 11, 2012

ARM & HAMMER® Sensitive Toothpaste

ARM & HAMMER® Sensitive Toothpaste: Thx ARM & HAMMER(R) 4 my free product! Receive $1 off ARM & HAMMER(R) toothpaste *Please remember the FTC requires you to mention that you received a free sample courtesy of Smiley360 when sharing.